Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Balance

Denise Said

This weekend feels very balancing after a busy week…. or two. Yesterday’s snowstorm, finding a great sledding spot at the park, making beef stew, a splendid sunset at the mall - just the two of us (how romantic), then today sledding in the sunshine with the whole family, coming home and making apple cottage cheese pancakes served with hot chocolate, then lying down for a nap with you, all make me feel grounded, happy and balanced. The icing on the cake for me is you feeling happy and relaxed after your work week. I would love more days to be like this weekend. Can I feel this way everyday if I try to think about my days differently?

Being balanced. Finding balance. Being in balance. Balancing act. Surrendering to balance. Many days I feel out of balance from doing too much of one thing or another: juggling family activities, the house, work, the dishes, meal planning. Then there will be a day or two of rest and fun when we have time together as a family or time together alone and the scales tilt back to equal. I always feel more in balance after spending time happy time with you alone, especially at least a few hours. You are the yin to my yang.

“The Chinese yin/yang symbol portrays the equality and complementarity of the two sexes. Consisting of two fluid teardrops nestled head to heel, each half extends deep into the hemispheric territory of the other. In the head of each half is a small circle composed of the essence of its opposite; each side contains within it the seed of its reciprocal.” – Leonard Shlain from The Alphabet Versus the Goddess.

I love Schlain’s description of the yin/yang - two fluid teardrops nestled head to heel and just a dab of the other’s essence in ourselves. Male and female qualities naturally go together if we are in balance with each other. I draw upon that “essence” maleness at certain times, like when driving on 78 and I will actually say to myself: "Use your inner male Denise." I am grateful for that spark of male balancing within me. It can be very useful. However, I do believe it has been misused by women over the last century as they regain the feminine wisdom and power taken from them long ago. Women’s power lies in being feminine not being masculine. It’s time for balance again.

Max Said

We do indeed balance each other beautifully.  I think that this is mostly due to the fact that we grew up together.  We have each supported and pushed one another to grow as human beings.  We each have an innate desire to grow and improve in order to bring something better back to the relationship, and then as a happy side-effect, to our family and to our communities.

We have both recently been noticing a new level of partnership and balance in our lives.  It feels like we have each reached a new level of maturity and inner balance and this has helped to solidify the balance in our relationship.

I honor you for swimming strongly against the tide of the feminism that looks to gain power at the expense of the masculine.  Instead you embrace your uniquely female goddess power that is creative and loving.  It is a power that is sure enough of itself that it does not need to push down or denigrate the masculine, but exists in a harmonious and functional balance with it instead.

It occurs to me that the Bible has something to say about this balance or yin and yang in what it says about marriage.  We are meant to leave our parents and cleave to each other.  The word used for "cleave" is a very strong one that implies the creation of a new single entity - the two shall be as one.  It is a symbiotic, balanced blending of man and woman that makes a truly successful relationship, like the one I am blessed to share with you!

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